<3 Grilling Season
Category: Misc
Google has decided to close down the Google Affiliate Network!!! – http://googleaffiliatenetwork-blog.blogspot.com/2013/04/an-update-on-google-affiliate-network.html
If you use last.fm, eHarmony or LinkedIn I highly recommend changing your passwords and preferably using a different password for these sites and others. These 3 sites aren’t alone. Sony, Zappos, Microsoft, Twitter and many other major brands have reported their own security breaches and compromised data.
UPDATE: FormSpring has just announced today (7/10/12) that their site has suffered a similar security breach, and that they will be disabling some 30 million affected user accounts.
Cats as HTTP Status codes – http://www.flickr.com/photos/girliemac/sets/72157628409467125/with/6508023351/