Check out this neat project website by Ariel Waldman and Lisa Ballard to catalog active man-made space probes – Includes info on Voyager 1 and 2, some of my personal favorites:
Category: That’s Interesting
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that a large number of stolen credit card numbers are showing up for sale, similar to the Target Hack earlier this year. The source of these stolen credit cards appears to be a security breach involving nearly all 2,000+ Home Depot Stores that went undiscovered since last April, according to security expert Brian Krebs.
After ten years in space, three gravity-assist maneuvers around earth, one gravity-assist maneuver around mars, five loops around the sun, and ten rendezvous maneuvers, the Rosetta space probe is closing in on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
First there was the famed Double Rainbow, and now a set of double tropical cyclones are in line to hit the Hawaiian islands this week!! According to an article from The Weather Channel a pair of tropical cyclones like this is rare, but not unheard of. A similar event happened back in 1982 with tropical depression Daniel and tropical storm Gilma. About 50% of clicks on mobile ads are accidental. Hubspot recently collected a bunch of stats about display ads from different sources and found some pretty shocking results. You are more likely to get into MIT than click a banner ad.