That's Interesting

Snapchat hack exposes names and phone numbers of over 4 million users

On Tuesday anonymous hackers used a known security flaw in the Snapchat photo messaging app to access data on 4.6 million users, including names and phone numbers. The hackers then posted a copy of the data on a site called

That's Interesting

Target data breach could put millions of customer credit cards at risk

The Minneapolis Star Tribune posted an article today that Target Corp. has suffered a security breach that could put millions of customer credit cards at risk. A spokeswoman from American Express has confirmed the breach, and it appears that security expert Brian Krebs first reported the issue on December 13th.

That's Interesting

Using Artificial Intelligence to clean up radar images has an interesting blog post about their Dark Sky forecasting system and the process they use to remove noise (such as ground clutter) from radar images. Here’s an image showing the system in action:

That's Interesting

Worldwide Internet Usage mapped using a Botnet

Not entirely accurate, but very cool research paper and visualizations showing global internet usage as seen by a botnet.

Blog Misc That's Interesting

If you use any of these sites I highly recommend changing your password(s)

If you use, eHarmony or LinkedIn I highly recommend changing your passwords and preferably using a different password for these sites and others. These 3 sites aren’t alone. Sony, Zappos, Microsoft, Twitter and many other major brands have reported their own security breaches and compromised data.

UPDATE: FormSpring has just announced today (7/10/12) that their site has suffered a similar security breach, and that they will be disabling some 30 million affected user accounts.