
Gamer Junkie Launched – Video Game News and Information

Well after working on this project for the last few weeks I’m finally satisfied enough to open the site to the general public.  Gamer Junkie is a site for news and information on upcoming and popular video games.  The Gamer Junkie Forums is a place to discuss the latest and greatest video games.

Gamer Junkie - Video Game News and Information

Here’s the basic rundown:

Gamer Junkie tracks the latest video game news and offers multiple RSS feeds to help gamers keep up with the news on their favorite games.  Popular games have a Gamer Junkie site dedicated to news and information, World of Warcraft for example, has WoW Junkie.  Gamers can also join in the forums to discuss the latest game news and to suggest information and games that should have a Gamer Junkie Network Site.

What we need now is help from the community to add to the Gamer Junkie site and forums.  So if you would like to help out, simply join the forums and start a new thread or post about your favorite game(s).  If you have more specific information that you would like to write about, you can use the contact form to get ahold of us.  We are specifically looking for writers to help add strategies, guides, and more to the Gamer Junkie Network sites.

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