It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, wait it’s a whole new line of Macbook Pro Laptops from Apple! It’s official folks, Apple has released a new Macbook line of laptop computers with some really cool features.
Tag: redesign
Moongrabber Re-Design and a Server Move
Well you’ve probably already noticed the new look for Moongrabber. I’ve gone ahead and re-designed my blog to clean up and organize everything better, plus the old theme wasn’t quite so easy on the eyes. The new theme is based off of the great “Amazing Grace” WordPress Theme by Vladimir Prelovac, with modifications done by […]
Welcome to the New Moongrabber
Well, as you can see, I’ve decided to redesign into more of a personal blogging/wordpress site like it used to be. If you are looking for my professional work and portfolio it has moved to I am also in the process of uploading many of my personal photos to my new Flickr account […]