Blog Site News

Dreamhost – A Year of Hosting in Review

Well, I hadn’t seen a review for Dreamhost lately so I thought I would write about my experiences with them here (also on Web Hosting Talk, a great site for everything web hosting).

Blog Web Development & Design

To NoFollow or not NoFollow (or to DoFollow or not DoFollow)

I’ve been cruising the web lately in search of new ways to build and promote some of the sites that I have been working on, and 1 of the things that I felt needed a better explanation was DoFollow and NoFollow.

Site News

Welcome to the New Moongrabber

Well, as you can see, I’ve decided to redesign into more of a personal blogging/wordpress site like it used to be. If you are looking for my professional work and portfolio it has moved to I am also in the process of uploading many of my personal photos to my new Flickr account […]