That's Interesting

BBC Mistakes Halo Logo for UN Security Council

Hilarious. It seems the BBC mistakenly used the United Nations Space Command Logo from the Halo video game to represent the United Nations Security Council (which actually doesn’t have its own logo). The BBC was quick to correct the issue for later broadcasts, but the blooper can still be seen on the web, thanks to YouTube

That's Interesting

Google Maps Quest – 8-bit Mapping Goodness

And I was worried there wouldn’t be any good April Fools pranks this year. Google has gone back in time with Google Maps 8-bit for NES. Head on over to the Google Maps site and try it yourself (or you can wait to get a cartridge and play it on your NES… not).

Blog That's Interesting

Some Interesting Facebook Facts you may not know about

Just caught this awesome infographic over on Mashable and wanted to share it all with you.  The information was collected and put together into image form by (they also have a lot of other cool infographics covering a wide range of topics on their site).

Blog That's Interesting

True Ride Home featured in the Pioneer Press

I’ve just been informed that Jay Henry, True Insurance Agency, and True Ride Home have been featured in this week’s Pioneer Press. True Ride Home’s revolutionary new idea to reimburse people for taking a taxi cab instead of drinking and driving has become a hit.

You can learn more about True Ride Home through their website at:, or call them at 952-929-9998.

Blog Misc That's Interesting

So Much for Real Customer Feedback (Propaganda and Astroturfing, Oh My!)

Many companies are now looking to take the easy way out of quality products and satisfied customers by simply buying customer satisfaction (and/or faking it).