Kudla died Monday of an apparent heart attack at his northeast Minneapolis home. “Puke and Snot” have entertained hundreds of thousands of spectators at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival for 34 years with their feisty, vaudeville style street theater. He and Mark Sieve came up with the “Puke and Snot” shtick in the ’70s
2 replies on “Actor Joe Kudla ("Snot" from Puke and Snot) has died”
Just saw the Puke and Snot show today at the renaissance festival and I have to say it was a great show, but it wasn’t quite the same. John Gamoke does a great job in the new role of Thomas Snot Jr. and Mark Sieve is amazing as usual.
There has been a memorial fund setup in Joe’s honor and you can get more information on Puke and Snot’s website: http://www.magaga.com/
I first saw Puke & Snot 1990 in Minnesota – Shakopee precisely. I had never been to a renaissance festival and this was the event my girlfriends in Sioux Falls SD chose prior to the Bronco versus Vikings game! What a great experience I had @ Puke & Snot venue! When a nearby audience member informed me they were both school Teachers, I became more impressed! When Puke & Snit appeared at my home state CO renaissance festival, I had to get my hat autographed by them both! I still wear that hat every summer!