That's Interesting

BBC Mistakes Halo Logo for UN Security Council

Hilarious. It seems the BBC mistakenly used the United Nations Space Command Logo from the Halo video game to represent the United Nations Security Council (which actually doesn’t have its own logo). The BBC was quick to correct the issue for later broadcasts, but the blooper can still be seen on the web, thanks to YouTube

Blog Web Development & Design

Cutting the Mustard – A Look into the BBC’s Latest Responsive Layout Redesign

More and more companies seem to be re-designing their websites with a responsive layout that adapts to the size of the device/browser being used, and the BBC News site has joined them. But the BBC News site, isn’t your ordinary blog or news site. This new responsive design has to support no less than 80 different browser, operating system and device combinations.

Blog Search Engine Optimization

It's Official – Google Launches New Webspam Update "Penguin"

Rumors have been flying after Google’s Matt Cutts announced an upcoming search algorithm change targeting webspam, and today we have a name to go with it; Penguin.


Go Wild!

That's Interesting

Google Maps Quest – 8-bit Mapping Goodness

And I was worried there wouldn’t be any good April Fools pranks this year. Google has gone back in time with Google Maps 8-bit for NES. Head on over to the Google Maps site and try it yourself (or you can wait to get a cartridge and play it on your NES… not).