Blog Misc Site News

Plugins that I'm currently using on my blog

Looking to get more out of your WordPress Blog?  I’ve seen a few other blogs post about the plugins they use (and a few others ask me about the plugins I use on Moongrabber), so I’ve put together this list of my favorite plugins.

Site News

Moongrabber Re-Design and a Server Move

Well you’ve probably already noticed the new look for Moongrabber.  I’ve gone ahead and re-designed my blog to clean up and organize everything better, plus the old theme wasn’t quite so easy on the eyes.  The new theme is based off of the great “Amazing Grace” WordPress Theme by Vladimir Prelovac, with modifications done by […]

Blog Site News

Dreamhost – A Year of Hosting in Review

Well, I hadn’t seen a review for Dreamhost lately so I thought I would write about my experiences with them here (also on Web Hosting Talk, a great site for everything web hosting).

Blog Web Development & Design

To NoFollow or not NoFollow (or to DoFollow or not DoFollow)

I’ve been cruising the web lately in search of new ways to build and promote some of the sites that I have been working on, and 1 of the things that I felt needed a better explanation was DoFollow and NoFollow.

Blog Misc That's Interesting

How to Backup your data when using Google's Services

I’ve had more than one person ask me about using Google’s Services (Gmail, Google Calendar, Contacts, etc.), and one thing that seems to keep coming up is how to protect and backup your data in case anything happens to it.